Primata services abstract cover with bokeh effect, blurry glass with a triangulhar cut.

as a Service

Branding on User's Experience

Se você chegou aqui, é porque deve estar perdido procurando um parceiro criativo para executar um projeto importante.
ISe for isso, provavelmente está no lugar certo.
Na Primata Criativo, gostamos de nos posicionar como mão e cortex criativos de nossos parceiros deprojetos, tangibilizando visões, razões e ambições.
Vemos e fazemos design de forma holística e transversal, entendendo em profundidade as demandas de cada projeto, colaborativamente gerando ideias, construindo insights de maior potencial, validando, aprendendo, aprimorando e polindo o design em um ritmo acelerado, com atividades protocoladas em uma espécie de algoritmo criativo focado em resolver problemas, entregar valor e reduzir os riscos inerentes a qualquer projeto.

Abaixo você encontrará nossas principais áreas de atuação. Disciplinas do Design que envolvem funcionalidade, interação e percepções de valor demarca.

A good strategy without a clear plan has little impact.
A poorly executed plan, without validation metrics, can ruin everything.

Before having a priceless jewel in hand, you need to dig deep in search of the rough stone that will be chisel, polished and delivered. Knowing where to dig and what gears to use makes all the difference to get the best quality raw material swiftly.
That’s why our main design protocols are focused on the stages of project configuration, with tools optimized in carrying out three macro-tasks: clearly structuring large volumes of information, collecting with impartiality the greatest amount of views from stakeholders, leaders and team to, finally, have a clear pictorial map for qualified deliberation.
We do not call strategy stages as setting up projects for nothing: we are obsessed with concrete and tangible deliverables, so in this phase we not only apply tools from for branding, personas, journeys, market positioning and so forth.We consolidated hypothesis and clear KPIS to monitor the plan's execution inthe future, supported by a robust backlog and a list of key deliverables for the success of the project.

Strategy Sprint

The main design, branding, and business tools applied in sequenced intense activities to transform visions into impactful actions. Ideal for multidisciplinary teams in need of a definition of a clear and solid starting point for their projects.
Strategic Clarity
Backlog and Milestones
Multidisciplinary Teams
42 Canvas+
3 ↦ 10 Days

Innovation Sprint

Our best tools to transform information and objectives into break-through ideas and bold prototypes to collect qualitative feedback with potential users and quickly improve the most promising concepts until they are tangible enough to move on.
Strategic Clarity
2 ↦ 10 Weeks

Service Innovation

Enhance ideas for the best value delivery to users and consumers, experimenting different ideas and assembling those that offer the best experience and meet the business requirements and objectives.
Strategic Clarity
4 ↦ 12 Weeks

Product Innovation

Completely break with market stigmas by proposing solutions that resolve people's needs in an unprecedented way. Deeply understand people desires, behavioral patterns, cultural tendencies, and available technologies, avoiding market standards.
Strategic Clarity
5 ↦ 12 Weeks

Brand Visual Identity

Consolidate product and business values into authentic elements which expresses brand’s depth in a different way reinforcing its memorability and creating unique emotional associations.
Brand Positioning
5 ↦ 22 Weeks

Portfolio Identity

Materialize brand's foundations into products and artifacts aligned with the value delivery proposal. Understand the codes and proprietary characteristics of each product, building harmonious experiences with the brand's ideas.
Brand Positioning
3 ↦ 18 Months

Building an easily identifiable brand in the contemporary world is a task that requires focus and resilience. The world is changing faster and requires consistent positioning at a frantic pace that is difficult to keep up with.

Our solutions for building brand assets combine the power of strategic clarity generated in the initial configuration phase with advanced creative techniques with the sole purpose of realizing vision in perennial components.
Aesthetics that reflects the soul of the brand, comprehensive to the needs of customers and users to create intense emotional links.

Brand Visual Identity

Consolidate product and business values into authentic elements which expresses brand’s depth in a different way reinforcing its memorability and creating unique emotional associations.
Brand Positioning
5 ↦ 22 Weeks

Portfolio Identity

Materialize brand's foundations into products and artifacts aligned with the value delivery proposal. Understand the codes and proprietary characteristics of each product, building harmonious experiences with the brand's ideas.
Brand Positioning
3 ↦ 18 Months

Web UX

The incredible ability to transform brand narratives into memorable and genuine digital experiences which converts visitors into qualified customers. Oh, and we design blogs and portfolios too.
Plan Execution
3 ↦ 10 Weeks


Online stores demand designs that combine the application of the best usability practices with peculiarities that make the experience genuine and remarkable, generating repurchase desire. That is why our Branding tools are so important in this kind of project.
Plan Execution
6 ↦ 15 Weeks

Pitch Design

In our hands, presentations become exceptional resources for exposing information with clarity resulting in pleasant, succinct, and even more persuasive narratives. Whether for prospecting, fundraising, or showing results, a well-told story can make all the difference.
Brand Positioning
2 ↦ 4 Weeks

If looking different is just as important as being different, it makes no sense to limit the branding work to just visual identity and communication. Reason we extend our expertise in building brand associations for memorable products experience that sensorialize essence and values in authentic and meaningful interfaces.

We humans are the only beings in nature who create emotional relationships with artifacts.

Our minds deceive us and create sensations with objects as if they were other living beings... otherwise we wouldn’t pay extra for loved products (and curse certain ones).
Understanding this is key for building product interfaces that go beyond mere functionality. It's necessary to resolve the user's pain points in an original way, understanding subjective socio-cultural desires and express the brand's vision.
It is necessary to explore symbolic factors with the same rigor that we meet ergonomic criteria. People demand to perform tasks efficiently and with delight. That or we may fall by the wayside - or worse, enter a dispute just for a low price.

Design Sprint

The most sophisticated design process nowadays. We use the Pique Primata methodology to quickly define competitive design strategies and differentials and, at the same time provide knowledge through validations of qualified prototypes with stakeholders, users, and customers.
Tactical Agility
Design validated on feedb
Rapid increase of team ex
1 ↦ 9 Weeks

Innovation Sprint

Our best tools to transform information and objectives into break-through ideas and bold prototypes to collect qualitative feedback with potential users and quickly improve the most promising concepts until they are tangible enough to move on.
Strategic Clarity
2 ↦ 10 Weeks

Product Innovation

Completely break with market stigmas by proposing solutions that resolve people's needs in an unprecedented way. Deeply understand people desires, behavioral patterns, cultural tendencies, and available technologies, avoiding market standards.
Strategic Clarity
5 ↦ 12 Weeks

Portfolio Identity

Materialize brand's foundations into products and artifacts aligned with the value delivery proposal. Understand the codes and proprietary characteristics of each product, building harmonious experiences with the brand's ideas.
Brand Positioning
3 ↦ 18 Months

Package & Labeling

Our process of implementing the attributes of a brand or product into a package that meets all of the technical requirements of production, logistics, protection and also is an outstanding point in the purchase, use and disposal experiences.
Plan Execution
4 ↦ 8 Weeks

Furniture Design

Process totally based on the construction of several prototypes, at different scales and with individual objectives. We know that only with a lot of validation it is possible to build a harmonious, functional, and ergonomic artifact.
Plan Execution
4 ↦ 36 Weeks

Industrial Design

Our primary expertise features different methodological processes which use strategic tools to offer competitive advantages for scale production, comprising contexts of market, cultures, usability and inescapable technical restrictions.
Plan Execution
4 ↦ 12 Weeks

Digital Product

We apply the best practices of lean design in the development of user and consumption journeys into authentic and memorable digital experiences, which positively impact the business performance.
Tactical Agility
6 ↦ 18 Weeks


Online stores demand designs that combine the application of the best usability practices with peculiarities that make the experience genuine and remarkable, generating repurchase desire. That is why our Branding tools are so important in this kind of project.
Plan Execution
6 ↦ 15 Weeks

Human beings have been building objects for over 200,000 years. ‘Just works’ is not enough. By the time the user interacts with a product’s interface, it is when he finds out if the company really strives to deliver value or just made a fancy ad.

Design Artifacts is our core Skill. We take it seriously – and so we expect our clients to do. Be ready to use the best practices of Human Centered Design, defining, building, testing, and enhancing objective and subjective factors until its ready to make real impact (for good).

To design punctual or cyclical experiences in b2b or b2c environments requires designers to be even more open to observe, listen and truly understand different narratives that people currently experience, understanding how they relate to environments and brand employees to, only then, propose improvements in the tasks that must be performed - avoiding as much as possible to generate disruptions and extra stress that any change already causes.

Regardless of whether the client's focus is to enjoy or save the time they will spend in a certain activity; we always must seek to combine optimization with enchantment. The relationship of functionality and construction of brand associations is even more difficult to guarantee when more actors are involved in the interactions of the journey - that is why we have an duty to transform the complexity of the system into a simple, didactic and linear flow.
In addition to improving in detail the touchpoints that the user will interact with, were main attentive to the objectives and demands of the business to enhance the company's growth in the same proportion that we improve the quality of the time that the user spends in the brand ecosystem.

Service Innovation

Enhance ideas for the best value delivery to users and consumers, experimenting different ideas and assembling those that offer the best experience and meet the business requirements and objectives.
Strategic Clarity
4 ↦ 12 Weeks

Innovation Sprint

Our best tools to transform information and objectives into break-through ideas and bold prototypes to collect qualitative feedback with potential users and quickly improve the most promising concepts until they are tangible enough to move on.
Strategic Clarity
2 ↦ 10 Weeks

Design Sprint

The most sophisticated design process nowadays. We use the Pique Primata methodology to quickly define competitive design strategies and differentials and, at the same time provide knowledge through validations of qualified prototypes with stakeholders, users, and customers.
Tactical Agility
Design validated on feedb
Rapid increase of team ex
1 ↦ 9 Weeks

The most popular design process in recent times by a particular perspective: Pique Primata is what we call in all our Accelerated Design Process that we execute, in a modular structure composed of three steps: setup, build and improve.

We recommend this method of work for companies with a mature (or curious) eye for lean design processes. Leaders who understand the importance of making progress based on hypothesis validations, without fear of pivoting, and who have an experienced multidisciplinary team, focused on delivering value and eager to increase their base-knowledge (even if it depends on questioning and killing dogmas).
In the last few years we have learned how to run our design and innovation sprints in a more flexible way, including more than 43 online canvas that serve as a guide and expanded memory for the team, facilitating quick consultations and new members onboarding.
This modular dynamic has phases that have been purposely sequenced to increase the strategic clarity of the project, streamline the construction of backlogs and consolidate the intelligence behind the intense cycles of creation, construction and validation of ideas.
A robust and flexible structure just like the method itself.  

Innovation Sprint

Our best tools to transform information and objectives into break-through ideas and bold prototypes to collect qualitative feedback with potential users and quickly improve the most promising concepts until they are tangible enough to move on.
2 ↦ 10 Weeks
Strategic Clarity

Design Sprint

The most sophisticated design process nowadays. We use the Pique Primata methodology to quickly define competitive design strategies and differentials and, at the same time provide knowledge through validations of qualified prototypes with stakeholders, users, and customers.
1 ↦ 9 Weeks
Tactical Agility
Design validated on feedb
Rapid increase of team ex

Strategy Sprint

The main design, branding, and business tools applied in sequenced intense activities to transform visions into impactful actions. Ideal for multidisciplinary teams in need of a definition of a clear and solid starting point for their projects.
3 ↦ 10 Days
Strategic Clarity
Backlog and Milestones
Multidisciplinary Teams
42 Canvas+
Pique Primata Symbol

Conheça o Pique Primata

Nosso Protocolo de Design Acelerado.

Pique é método modular construído para se adaptar a qualquer tipo de desafio de projeto que se beneficie da criatividade para superar desafios complexos e conquistar grandes objetivos em um ritmo semanal.

Começamos com uma estratégia sólida, geramos centenas de ideias para escolher qual deve ser prototipada com capricho e esmero para validar hipóteses com usuários reais dentro de poucas semanas.

Principais benefícios:

  • Configuração EstraTÉGICA DE 1 dIA até 1 sEMANA
  • Protótipos bem feitos para Validações de Qualidade
  • Aprimoramentos Semanais
  • Menores Riscos, Entregas melhores
  • Turbine a Base de Conhecimento da Equipe
  • Experiência e Engajamento do time acima da média


Strategy Sprint

The main design, branding, and business tools applied in sequenced intense activities to transform visions into impactful actions. Ideal for multidisciplinary teams in need of a definition of a clear and solid starting point for their projects.

Design Sprint

The most sophisticated design process nowadays. We use the Pique Primata methodology to quickly define competitive design strategies and differentials and, at the same time provide knowledge through validations of qualified prototypes with stakeholders, users, and customers.

Innovation Sprint

Our best tools to transform information and objectives into break-through ideas and bold prototypes to collect qualitative feedback with potential users and quickly improve the most promising concepts until they are tangible enough to move on.

Service Innovation

Enhance ideas for the best value delivery to users and consumers, experimenting different ideas and assembling those that offer the best experience and meet the business requirements and objectives.

Product Innovation

Completely break with market stigmas by proposing solutions that resolve people's needs in an unprecedented way. Deeply understand people desires, behavioral patterns, cultural tendencies, and available technologies, avoiding market standards.

Brand Visual Identity

Consolidate product and business values into authentic elements which expresses brand’s depth in a different way reinforcing its memorability and creating unique emotional associations.

Portfolio Identity

Materialize brand's foundations into products and artifacts aligned with the value delivery proposal. Understand the codes and proprietary characteristics of each product, building harmonious experiences with the brand's ideas.

Package & Labeling

Our process of implementing the attributes of a brand or product into a package that meets all of the technical requirements of production, logistics, protection and also is an outstanding point in the purchase, use and disposal experiences.

Furniture Design

Process totally based on the construction of several prototypes, at different scales and with individual objectives. We know that only with a lot of validation it is possible to build a harmonious, functional, and ergonomic artifact.

Industrial Design

Our primary expertise features different methodological processes which use strategic tools to offer competitive advantages for scale production, comprising contexts of market, cultures, usability and inescapable technical restrictions.

Digital Product

We apply the best practices of lean design in the development of user and consumption journeys into authentic and memorable digital experiences, which positively impact the business performance.

Web UX

The incredible ability to transform brand narratives into memorable and genuine digital experiences which converts visitors into qualified customers. Oh, and we design blogs and portfolios too.


Online stores demand designs that combine the application of the best usability practices with peculiarities that make the experience genuine and remarkable, generating repurchase desire. That is why our Branding tools are so important in this kind of project.

Pitch Design

In our hands, presentations become exceptional resources for exposing information with clarity resulting in pleasant, succinct, and even more persuasive narratives. Whether for prospecting, fundraising, or showing results, a well-told story can make all the difference.

Editorial Design

One of the most worked on services by our team. We transform content into clear narratives. Data becomes easily comprehensive information. Periodic reports, brochures, catalogs, books, print or digital publications always depend on good design to function flawlessly.

Infographic | DataVis

And as we really like infographics, we could not resist. Here is where we mix the exposition of information with visually easy, beautiful, and delightful narratives for the user.

Bora experimentar novas ideias juntos!

De Startups locais a grandes marcas multinacionais, trabalhamos em estreita colaboração com nossos clientes para ajudá-los a tirar as melhores ideias do papel. Construímos, testamos e validamos soluções coerentes com a cultura contemporânea e respeitando a sua ancestralidade, resultando em experiências autênticas, memoráveis ​​e duradouras.